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Common questions

Below you'll find the answers to the most common questions you might have regarding our new product BOXTAG. Also, please feel free to check out our Linkedin page. If you still can't find the answers you're looking for, please just contact us!

Does the BOXTAG come with strapband?

No, strapband is not included. BOXTAG is designed to work with standard 12mm strapband used for box protection. Many retailers do already have a strapping machine in their store/warehouse to prevent theft. If they do not have such machine is easily purchased locally for reasonable pricing. EAS Europe can facilitate in purchasing such machine if required. 

Is there an alternative to strapping machines?

Currently we are working on 4 types of flexible, elastic band. More info will follow soon. 

Does the BOXTAG come in AM or RF?

BOXTAG is a dual alarm product, so both AM and RF are integrated. It's equipped with both AM and RF technology, so it works with pretty much any EAS security system out there.

Does the BOXTAG have a exchangeble battery?

Yes, it does. BOXTAG uses a easy-to-find 3V CR2032 battery. The good news is, this little powerhouse lasts for up to 30 months (depending on how often its used), so your customer won't have to worry about changing it anytime soon.

Does the SRF Key have a exchangeble battery?

Yes, it does. The SRF Key uses a easy-to-find 3V CR2450 battery.

The BOXTAG comes with a Remote Key (SRF Key). What is the use of the Mini USB cable shipped along?

The remote key (also called an SRF Key) lets you disarm BOXTAG easily. The mini USB cable is for those times you want to change the pairing password on your SRF Key. We can send you the software you need to do this - just let us know!

Does the BOXTAG have a magnetic lock?

BOXTAG is the new generation of security products for boxed goods and only works with the SRF Key. The times thieves release spiders with illigal magnets are over!

How many pieces are in a full carton?

40 pieces of BOXTAG are packed in a carton. 

How does it compare to traditional spider wraps?

Compared to tradition spiders the Boxtag is a security upgrade as its not working with a magnet/detacher anymore, but with a (code specific) remote. Then there is improved space on shelves, replaceable battery. Boxtag is designed to be used with existing strap band machines in place at the retailer.



BOXTAG: More products on shelf, better protection, and reduced handling time!


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